Sunday, 22 January 2012

Week 3: Finalised Ideas on Visual Projection

I have decided to go along with the first idea I had which was the most abstract experimental idea I created in which needed putting into a THEME. The theme thought out is all about movement entwining with some repetition, however using effects to create abstract visuals. For example footsteps walking, dominoes gong down one by one. Also I will film being in a tram and add effects.
Here is an example of movement on a tram:

I will also involve roller coaster effects, dancing and footsteps. I will try to link each sequence to each other, for example from a zip opening from a jacket to cut to moving down a track on a railway line. I will try to synchronise each sequence to run in continuity.
Here is a dancing effect which have given me a few ideas I can use in the track:


Examples for filming repetition.

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